FOU ! Editions

FOU ! Editions

Pays d'Auge

Live | Painter decorator

Reflets Decor

If Sandrine Poulard had a former life, she was a painter then, too. For fifteen years, she has dedi- cated herself to painting murals, and she does it well.

Her passion and frank, energetic personality mean Sandrine is booked out. Her clients are guided by her empathy and attentiveness: “I shake things up! The client knows what they want, but doesn’t always dare ask for it. You should never be afraid of colour,” she says. “Each project is a tabula rasa. You have to please the eye because paint is never perfect, and well it shouldn’t be.”
Trained in decorative painting, Sandrine previously worked in Asia and Switzerland. When she isn’t picking up new clients just walking down the street head to toe in paint, she spends her time on work sites painting. “I love mixing beautiful panoramas with murals” she admits.