FOU ! Editions

FOU ! Editions

The Mont Saint Michel Bay

Live | Geobiology & Feng Shui

Harmonies Intérieures

A trained geobiologist and Feng Shui consultant, Sophie Catherine offers her services and personalized training to individuals and companies at conferences throughout France.

She will advise you on how to live in harmony with new technologies and also offers her Feng Shui expertise by working with architects to determine the best location for a building. She can help you design your interiors so that you feel just as at home as you do at work. At the request of real estate agencies and sellers, Sophie can help unblock sales processes.

Harmonies Intérieures also offers home de-cluttering coaching and human follow-up to help you regain self-confidence. Our home is our mirror.

Zone artisanale La Clôture 14340 VALSEMÉ