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FOU ! Editions

The Mont Saint Michel Bay

Live | Joallierie

Bienfait l'Evêque

The house of Bienfait-Lévêque has clocked more than 70 years of selling jewellery and watches. Frédéric Bienfait-Lévêque took the reins a couple of years ago of the jeweller’s shop that bears his name, a family business of three generations that has forged a reputation of diligence and rigour since its founding in 1953 in Saint-Malo. Among the numerous ranges of jewellery and watches represented, you will find French brands Arthus Bertrand and Clozeau as well as Swiss brands Tissot, Alpina, and Frédérique Constant. From their stock of certified diamonds plus gems furnished by the clientele, the jewellers also create bespoke pieces according to your tastes and budget (precious stones set in rings, bracelets, necklaces, and more). As Frédéric says, their top brand is their own.

15 Rue Ville Pépin, Saint-Servan 35400 SAINT-MALO