FOU ! Editions

FOU ! Editions

Pays d'Auge

Discover | Travel agency

Jean Rêve de Voyage

Jean Rêve De Voyage is a travel agency founded by Pierre Boyer and managed by Agathe, specialising in creating exceptional custom itineraries. With over 20 years of experience, they organise bespoke travel to any destination, whether in France or beyond, particularly in Central America, South America, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Your travel itinerary is tailormade according to your budget, your preferences, and your must-see places. Jean Rêve de Voyage offers ethical stays with a limited environmental impact and which posi- tively contribute to the land in synergy with local populations.

What is your favourite spot in the Pays d’Auge ?
Le Mont Canisy for its stunning view and its magical setting full of history.

Who is your favourite artist ?
Salvador Dali.

Place Claude Lelouch 14800 DEAUVILLE